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Buying an agency should be part of your growth strategy

Shaun Cooper

The idea of buying an agency can be scary, but it’s also exciting. It can be an effective part of a growth strategy for some agencies, but not all and depends on what needs you have at the time and where the agency is planning to go in the future. To increase any agency value …


Agency Clinic with The DRUM Network

Shaun Cooper

A few weeks ago, we facilitated a clinic with our friends at the Drum Network for agencies who had completed an agency valuation in January to help them understand how they were progressing with increasing value.  Without revealing any sensitive information, the session highlighted a few insights that we’d like to share with you. 


Inflationary pressures affecting UK agencies. What we can do


Shaun Cooper

Yesterday we held an agency round table discussion on how increased inflationary pressures is affecting business. After an initial discussion on the immediate outlook for 2023, which is likely to be challenging, we agreed on a few strategies that marketing agencies can use to mitigate the effects of inflation and continue to increase value of …


2023 top 3 priorities

Shaun Cooper

With 2022 in the rear view mirror and 2023 well underway, now is a great opportunity to reflect on the progress you’ve made in 2022, reset your goals and hit the refresh button. In our latest article we share our thoughts on how to thrive in 2023 and given it is likely to be tough …


Meeting agency margin expectations

Shaun Cooper

After reviewing agency valuations, June to October 2022, it is highly probable it will be another challenging year. Retaining staff whilst facing pressures to increase salaries, worker shortages and the recent economic turmoil is affecting the outlook for the next 12 months. Growth targets are being downgraded, apart from a few specialised agency areas, the …


‘How to’ mindset will inspire us to achieve our final destination

Shaun Cooper

Knowing the value of your agency is one thing, but understanding how to increase the value of the business and setting a direction is often something new to our Clients. As a result, it is one of the reasons why Agencies say no to a valuation. I can assure you it isn’t that painful or …


Why growth is important to agencies

Shaun Cooper

Every agency started with a desire, ambition or need to grow. The Agency’s adrenaline that fueled the passion and energy to chase exciting opportunities gets redirected into servicing existing Clients, managing people and looking after the usual day to day operations. Although over time growth remains important, it is treated like any other task or …


Why every Agency should understand their own value metrics

Why every Agency should understand their own value metrics

Shaun Cooper

Investing in your Agency is, or should be about, building value for yourself (shareholders), your Clients and employees. We believe this should be straightforward, easy and rewarding. There is no disputing that Agencies highlight their value when they’re pitching for new businesses, therefore why don’t agencies know how to create and measure value of their …


How are Agencies adapting to meet new challenges?

Shaun Cooper

Over the past few years have been particularly difficult for Agencies of all shapes and sizes in the UK. Covid has disrupted our industry and shifted how we work, potentially for a long time. Talking to Agency founders and leaders, it’s clear they have had to prioritise keeping their Agencies viable during the pandemic. But …


Regrowing Agency Value – Post Covid-19 Bounce Back

Shaun Cooper

Splendid isolation might inspire artists to do their best work. But it’s a very different proposition for advertising creatives who like to bounce ideas off each other and feed off the buzz around them. On the business side, too, agencies haven’t been working as effectively through the lockdown period. Hardly surprising when clients are markedly …


Covid-19 economic fallout changing Agency Valuations

Shaun Cooper

UK shopping behaviour suddenly changed when the pandemic arrived in the UK and we also noticed how buying patterns across Europe followed the spread of the virus. Not surprisingly, the transformation has also affected a range of asset values and to be honest, has caused us a few challenges when valuing Agency Businesses. Normal valuations …


Coming Out of Covid-19, A 20-20 Perspective

Shaun Cooper

Just before Corona Virus so dramatically put the brakes on our industry, and indeed life in general, we were busy undertaking a round of 20-20 Ouragencyvalue interviews. We were literally stopped in our tracks by the outbreak, and it became startlingly clear that a very different ‘agency world’ would emerge from lockdown, to the previous …


The benefits of business planning in an ever-changing world

Shaun Cooper

As the creative industry continues to experience disruption in every sector, those who take time out from the day-to-day running of their businesses to plan ahead will have the greatest chance of success.


I’m Interested in Succession Planning

Shaun Cooper

For those of us running Agencies, pitches and helping our Clients transform their businesses


Maximising the Value of Our Agency

Shaun Cooper

For many Agency founders selling their business is a reward for years of hard work – spent working for Clients


Selling up isn’t easy; so what can I do to make it happen?

Shaun Cooper

It isn’t unusual for owners of agencies to see the potential proceeds of a business sale as a significant element of their retirement fund. However, it is surprisingly unusual to see an effective action plan designed to make it happen! In fact it is more unusual to see any formal business plan at all in …


OK so selling up isn’t easy, but there are things I can do – so tell me more?


In the previous article, the issues around mindset and preparation were considered. In this article, we get a little deeper in to the detail and think about the specifics.